Threshing and Grain Separating Mechanism with Differentiate Concave for Intensification of Threshing and Grain Separation
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The objective of the paper was intensification of the process of threshing and grain separation by a rasp-bar threshing mechanism of a combine harvester with a differentiate concave; substantiation of a regular-style design and differentiate concave parameters as well as threshing and separating mechanism operation modes. Theoretical research has been conducted based on laws of motion, experimental investigation – in accordance with methods devised on the basis of conventional methodologies. Standard computing methods as well as Microsoft Excel and Mathcad application packages have been used for processing experimental data. Measuring and recording equipment has been used in the research process. Experimental investigation has been carried out on specially devised experimental assemblies. The research has enabled: to substantiate the design-manufacturing process of the threshing and separating mechanism with a differentiate concave; to establish analytical dependencies to determine the area of typical influence zones of a threshing drum and concave on threshing mass; to ascertain the regularity of stem deformation under the influence of different forces regulated by changing the distance between concave transverse slats; to figure out the regression equation enabling finding optimal process variables for a threshing and separating mechanism with a differentiate concave. The scientific novelty of the engineering solutions is confirmed by a patent of the Republic of Belarus for the utility model № 6335 « Tresking mechanism». The results of theoretical and experimental research have been used in developing design documentation for the production of a differentiate concave for combine harvesters PA «Gomselmash».
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How to Cite
Klochkov, A. V., Gusarov, V. V., Kuboń, M., & Kamiński, J. R. (2017). Threshing and Grain Separating Mechanism with Differentiate Concave for Intensification of Threshing and Grain Separation. Agricultural Engineering , 21(3), 29-45. Retrieved from

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