Published: 2020-03-30

Usable Agricultural Area of Farms and their Material and Energy Expenditure Efficiency

Kamil Depo, Agnieszka Szparaga, Miroslav Pristavka, Sławomir Kocira


Analysis of Selected Quality Features of Wood Pellets

Józef Gorzelany, Miłosz Zardzewiały, Piotr Murawski, Natalia Matłok


Cluster Analysis in Assessment of Organic Farms Sustainability. Part II Results of Research

Maciej Sporysz, Maria Szczuka, Sylwester Tabor, Krzysztof Molenda, Maciej Kuboń


Analysis of the Vacuum-Steam Defrosting Process of Plums Pre-Treated with Dehydrofreezing

Agnieszka Szparaga, Sławomir Kocira, Alaa Subr, Ameer Al-Ahmadi
